Botdoc Postman Collection

Botdoc Postman Collection

Postman is a Collaborative Platform for testing API’s and can be downloaded from their website: We built a Postman Collection to facilitate the Learning Curve with Botdoc API, and understand the flow of how to use our API in a real...
Tutorial – API Sandbox

Tutorial – API Sandbox

Hello Developers! This tutorial is in order to get you started with making some requests without writing your code and feel how the API works. I assume you already created your App and got your API_KEY If you do not have the API_KEY yet, please go...
Tutorial – Managing your medias

Tutorial – Managing your medias

Hello Developers! This tutorial is in order to manage your medias using the version 1.0 of Sandbox BotDoc API. In order to use this version, you have to put “v1” on the API’s endpoint. To a better understanding about the versioning, please go to...
Tutorial – Getting your requests

Tutorial – Getting your requests

Hello Developers! This tutorial is in order to get your requests using the version 1.0 of Sandbox BotDoc API. In order to use this version, you have to put “v1” on the API’s endpoint. To a better understanding about the versioning, please go to...
Tutorial – Sending your first requests

Tutorial – Sending your first requests

Hello Developers! This tutorial is in order to send your first requests using the version 1.0 of Sandbox BotDoc API. In order to use this version, you have to put “v1” on the API’s endpoint. To a better understanding about the versioning, please go to...