Maintain data security through encrypted email file transfer, thanks to Botdoc. Are you collecting or sending sensitive information, such as your bank information, over email? Think again. While email is an official mode of communication and can even be used as...
Email Security
Five Critical Factors for Patient Loyalty
When it comes to customer loyalty, many examples might come to mind: your go-to grocery store, the place you get coffee every week, or your favorite place to buy clothes. Few people might think specifically of patient loyalty in the healthcare industry, and for those...
What’s At Risk When You Transfer Sensitive Data?
“You’ve been the victim of a data breach.” That’s a sentence you never want to have to say to your customers, but the reality is, the threat is never far away. Hackers are getting more sophisticated and with the increase in remote workers (and subsequent software...
Today’s Hottest Fintechs by Bank Director
Botdoc, the global leader in Secure Digital Transport (SDT) technologies, powering the secure digital delivery of data globally, today announced it has been selected by Bank Director as a profiled technology in FinXTech Connect. FinXTech Connect, powered by Bank...
How to Determine When You Need a Better File Transfer System
Ever since the pandemic has driven businesses worldwide to re-imagine their daily operations and future plans, we’ve seen huge strides towards new digital initiatives—one being implementing or upgrading file transfer systems. Although choosing a new file transfer...
I’m So Tired of False Cyber Security
I see it all the time. I get an email from a lender, title company or other and on the bottom it says, “This email is secured by XXXX”. You pick the company, Zixcorp, Proofpoint, etc. This is so bad because that email is NOT secured. It's only secure at rest in the...