Secure Your Dealership

Only Frictionless Solution in Auto to Fix your text/email ENCRYPTION issue from the FTC Safeguards rule

Trusted and Tested for over 10 years by some of the largest oranizations

+51K Active Users
+100M Docs

If its your customers’ privacy, trust and FTC fines – you need a trusted and tested partner.  You have options – choose Botdoc if you want to sleep well at night. 

All of your sales staff use TEXT and unsecured EMAIL to do business today

Don't get fined - $50,120 per text/email/picture - use Botdoc

Your sales staff will actually use it, and it’s easy for your customers.

Special Pricing for NADA Members

Message from Botdoc CEO to Auto Industry

[email protected]     719-960-4767



The Bad News.

Auto dealerships don’t have a choice to “opt in” or “opt out.” The security standards are set, the deadline is June 9th, and dealerships are 100% responsible for compliance.


The good news.

Auto dealers don’t have to resort to a complex or cumbersome secure email solution to solve this issue. Botdoc offers a complete, end-to-end encrypted solution.

The best news.

Dealerships can be up and running with Botdoc’s encrypted solution in minutes. Your sales staff can still use the same devices they’re used to using to send and receive information without requiring the customer to use pins, passwords, logins, apps, or software to download.


The Bad News.

Auto dealerships don’t have a choice to “opt in” or “opt out.” The security standards are set, the deadline is June 9th, and dealerships are 100% responsible for compliance.


The good news.

Auto dealers don’t have to resort to a complex or cumbersome secure email solution to solve this issue. Botdoc offers a complete, end-to-end encrypted solution.

The best news.

Dealerships can be up and running with Botdoc’s encrypted solution in minutes. Your sales staff can still use the same devices they’re used to using to send and receive information without requiring the customer to use pins, passwords, logins, apps, or software to download.

Seamless security with Botdoc.

The car buying and service experience can be seamless – just as the buyer prefers. Everything can be securely delivered to a dealership, creating a secure and easy user experience from start to finish.  

Get your dealership compliant in just 10 minutes

In just minutes, your dealerships can set up Botdoc’s solution and receive driver’s licenses, bank account information, and more from customers without using pins, passwords, logins, accounts, apps, or software to download.

Your dealership can reduce operational friction and close more sales faster, with less human error than What’s App or other “secure” solutions.

How it Works

See how easy it is to send and receive files securely for your dealership with Botdoc.

Our Latest Blogs

Botdoc and KPA announce partnership on complete compliance solution as many auto dealers are still feeling the pain of recent cyber threats

Botdoc and KPA announce partnership on complete compliance solution as many auto dealers are still feeling the pain of recent cyber threats

Botdoc, the global leader in Secure Digital Transport (SDT) technologies, and IDology, a GBG company, a leading identity verification provider in the Americas for over 20 years have announced a partnership that will provide the auto industry with easy and secure capabilities to comply with new FTC Safeguards Rule and customer privacy.

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Botdoc and IDology Team Up to Provide Auto Industry Unparalleled Capabilities in Response to FTC Safeguards Rule

Botdoc and IDology Team Up to Provide Auto Industry Unparalleled Capabilities in Response to FTC Safeguards Rule

Botdoc, the global leader in Secure Digital Transport (SDT) technologies, and IDology, a GBG company, a leading identity verification provider in the Americas for over 20 years have announced a partnership that will provide the auto industry with easy and secure capabilities to comply with new FTC Safeguards Rule and customer privacy.

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NADA is a registered trademark of the National Automobile Dealers Association and is used by Botdoc under license. The services/products provided by Botdoc are solely the responsibility of Botdoc and its suppliers, which remain solely responsible for the quality and performance thereof. Neither NADA nor its affiliates shall have any responsibility or liability for any product or service offered or provided by Botdoc.

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