Botdoc API SANDBOX Planned Maintenance

Hello Botdoc Developers,

Botdoc will have a new update running in our SANDBOX environment SUNDAY February 25, 2024 @ 3am MST!

This update will hit our production servers estimated Sunday March 3, 2024 at 2am MST. We will send another email next week confirming.

Here is the NEW feature to Botdoc’s API Developers SANDBOX platform:

  • Ability to enable or disable the Acuant Auto Capture. Added new atrribute to Acuant object: use_auto_capture
  • Ability to reply to a Message inside a P2 Container. Added two new attributes to Message object (enable_reply and force_reply_first). The attributre force_reply_first will disable the general chat while the user does not reply to the Message.
  • Added new attribute to MessageReply object (reply_to). Foreign Key to the Message object this reply is for.
  • Ability to define “tags” inside a P2 Pull. Allows the integrator user to define the desired files he/she would like to collect inside the P2-Pull (such as Driver’s License, Bank Statements etc)

Affected Product/Service: Botdoc API Sandbox only

Why we’re doing this:
This will give developers/clients the opportunity to perform tests in the SANDBOX with a new version if they feel they need based on the changelog of the new version.

We appreciate your patience and understanding.  If you have any questions or concerns you can reach us on Slack at or

Botdoc API Team